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Publication Date
Spring 2-25-2022
Contents of this guidelines document are to aid the NIRS Forage and Feed Consortium (NIRSC) membership, researchers, and laboratories with better practices using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) technology and NIRSC calibrations. This guide consolidates methods and resources specifically for NIRS analysis for NIRSC calibrations used on instrument partner machines. Specific recommendations for sample preprocessing and scanning required to ensure compatibility with NIRSC calibrations are highlighted. Additional materials are included on the use and reporting of NIRSC predictions. Goals of this guide are to: 1. Develop an understanding of basic NIRS technology and calibration use; 2. Provide guidance on how to monitor internal instrumentation and calibration performance; and 3. Create a resource for correct sample preparation, handling, and scanning.
The NIRSC membership shares in the effort and costs to produce calibrations for use with continued work to strengthen forage and feed testing and to encompass new technology as it comes available. The NIRSC works toward a vision to lead collaboration and applications for agriculture through educational efforts, promotion of best sample handling and preparation practices, and proper NIR instrument and calibration use. The goal of the NIRSC is to create uniformity in all aspects of NIRS analysis of feeds and forages for the membership and beyond. Our mission is to promote and standardize the use of NIRS through the development of robust, accurate prediction calibrations.
Recommended Citation
McIntosh, D., B. J. Anderson-Husmoen, R. Kern-Lunbery, P. Goldblatt, R. Lemus, T. Griggs, L. Bauman, S. Boone, G. Shewmaker, and C. Teutsch. 2022. Guidelines for Optimal Use of NIRSC Forage and Feed Calibrations in Membership Laboratories (Second Edition). The University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville, TN.
Submission Type
Publisher's Version
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Agricultural Science Commons, Agronomy and Crop Sciences Commons, Beef Science Commons, Dairy Science Commons, Other Animal Sciences Commons, Other Nutrition Commons, Other Plant Sciences Commons, Sheep and Goat Science Commons