MTAS History

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MTAS receives virtually all periodicals in the field of municipal government and also obtains many other publications in this field. In the aggregate these contain a "mass of information" (when trying to sift, classify and assimilate, we sometimes wish it were much less in quantity!). These materials are routed to staff members for their examination; in this process they mark any items that appear to be noteworthy, and Mrs. Ellison writes the summaries for this publication.

These items are not necessarily "new" ideas, for the term "new" assumes a relative meaning. There is little, if anything, in the field that is really new. What is new to one may be old to another. Nevertheless, we hope that this "catalog of municipal ideas" will be useful to the officials of cities and towns in Tennessee and elsewhere.


  • Police and Fire
  • Public Works
  • Water and Sewage
  • Parks and Recreation
  • Refuse
  • Public Relations
  • Traffic and Parking
  • Health, Safety and Welfare
  • Finance and Taxation
  • Personnel
  • Miscellaneous

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