"Selector as Entrepreneur (Panel presentation for New Selectors and Sel" by Linda L. Phillips

Other Library Publications and Works

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Publication Date

July 2009


Collection building in the digital age aims to create a collection of "freely accessible, integrated, and comprehensive record of serious scholarship and knowledge." Library collections are broadly defined as all the resources libraries make available to users—items purchased, locally created or reformatted digital materials, subject guides, social networking tools, and content freely accessible in digital collections around the world. New selectors must master several enduring skills related to collection policy, management of print and digital resources, budget management, and liaison with clientele. An entrepreneurial approach to collection building and liaison requires an understanding of the digital library context and diverse scholarly cultures. Entreneurial selectors who know details about the disciplines they serve, such as who is publishing and where, research topics, location of data sets, applications of research, and student involvement will be prepared to offer clientele information about gaining maximum visibility for their scholarly work.

ALCTS CMDS Handout July 12, 2009.doc (35 kB)
Presentation Handout

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