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Clinical Theriogenology

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Traditional ovariectomy techniques for heifers (e.g. colpotomy) have adverse effects ranging from hemorrhage to mortality. Electrosurgical bipolar vessel sealing devices offer a superior ligation of ovarian pedicle and associated structures. In ruminants, standing flank laparotomy has been used for abdominal visibility. We performed ovariectomy in 2 companion beef heifers via a unilateral flank approach, combined with electrosurgical ligation. Surgeries were performed in standing animals, under local anesthesia, with no observed short- or long-term adverse effects. This technique is worth considering for cases where the security of electrosurgical ligation combined with the accessibility of a flank laparotomy are desired. Additional research is needed to determine the viability of the technique for cattle of various ages and breeds.

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