"How to repair an abdominal body-wall hernia in the horse using a mesh " by G Kelmer and James Schumacher

How to repair an abdominal body-wall hernia in the horse using a mesh implanted subcutaneously

Source Publication (e.g., journal title)

Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Convention of the American Association of Equine Practitioners, Orlando, Florida, USA, 1-5 December, 2007

Document Type


Publication Date

January 2008


This paper describes a technique for the repair of an abdominal body-wall hernia in the horse using a subcutaneously implanted mesh. The results of using this technique in 40 horses with ventral midline incisional hernias as well as traumatic hernias off midline at the muscular portion of the body wall are presented. The technique provides secured repair and good cosmetic results. Moreover, wounds heal with little or no complications.

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