School of Information Sciences -- Faculty Publications and Other Works
Source Publication (e.g., journal title)
The Library Quarterly: Information, Community, Policy
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Publication Date
Spring 1-1-2022
Social innovations implemented by public libraries rarely alleviate poverty. Mobile payments (i.e., financial transactions over mobile phones) represent the most widely used solution to alleviate poverty in developing countries provided people living in poverty have mobile, financial, and information literacy. This paper reports a three-year-plus study/methodology of proposing, testing, customizing, and disseminating a practice-based, outcome-driven, and community-oriented social innovation in the form of a “unified mobile, financial, and information literacy toolkit” to public librarians in India, who can assess mobile, financial, and information literacy of the poor at once and enhance their mobile payment readiness. Public libraries can be a strategic partner of the United Nations and governments in developing countries for addressing the grand challenge of poverty in society.
Recommended Citation
Potnis, D., & Gala, B. (2022). "Unified mobile, financial, and information literacy toolkit": A social innovation for public libraries to alleviate poverty in developing countries. The Library Quarterly: Information, Community, Policy. 92(1), 68-86. https://doi.org/10.1086/717230
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