School of Information Sciences -- Faculty Publications and Other Works

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HBRO was one of the first journals available online in full text on BRS and DIALOG search services. HBRO came online on BRS in the summer of 1982 and on DIALOG in the summer of 1983. John Wiley & Sons, Electronic Publishing Division, distributes HBRO, but the contents of the database mirror the printed journal and are wholly the responsibility of the Harvard Business Review staff at the Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University.

A full text journal on systems that were designed originally for bibliographic citation retrieval offers some interesting problems for the searcher. As of fall 1984 neither DIALOG nor BRS had made search capability enhancements for full text searching. BRS, however, added new print and display features especially for full text databases.

This articles examines the HBRO database, emphasizing HBRO on BRS. In addition, it reports on 31 sample HBRO searches conducted on BRS to test the difference between searching the full text and searching the bibliographic record.


pp. 71-78

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