Haslam Scholars Projects

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The purpose of this research was to analyze the success of the 1975 Mannheim Bundesgartenschau (BUGA-MA), a highly visible and popular BUGA then and now, in achieving sustainable development. A BUGA is a German Federal Horticulture Show, but it is not simply a one-time exhibition; it is a full-time commitment to sustainable development in German cities and regions. BUGAs are complex undertakings, involving national and regional players, and they are fine-tuned to the sustainable needs of their respective location and culture. This presentation will outline the key tenets of sustainability addressed by BUGAs and analyze the degree of their success in BUGA-MA, particularly as they are related to aesthetics. These tenets operate within a trio of infrastructures — physical, cultural, and social — and occur throughout three phases of every BUGA: Pre-BUGA, BUGA Festival, and Post-BUGA.

Bundesgartenschau Mannheim (1975): Sustainable Urban Development through a Horticultural Festival

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