Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Deborah Welsh

Committee Members

R. A. Saudargas, Robert G. Wahler


What is healthy psychological development for late adolescents? Although Developmental theorists have identified romantic relationships as an especially significant context for adolescent development, there has been little empirical investigation of the importance placed on such relationships. This study sought to answer questions about the patterns and dynamics of romantic relationships in late adolescents. The specific questions addressed in this study are; (1) Is there a relationship between the number of dating partners of late adolescents and their well being? And (2) Do late adolescent males and females look to different sources for intimacy? Self-report measures of depression,intimacy in friendships, and intimacy in romantic relationships were gathered. The Sample for this study was drawn from an initial pool of 514 college students. The results showed a relationship between late adolescents’ dating structure and their reports of wellbeing, such that those adolescents involved in a monogamous romantic relationship reported significantly less depression compared with adolescents in other dating structures. The results did not support that males and females depend upon different sources for their intimacy. Findings are discussed in relation to developmental theory and the impact of dating structure and process on healthy development.

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