Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Michael Hannum

Committee Members

Colleen P. Gilrane, Sky W. Huck


This study examines the role of standardized tests and authentic assessment in residential psychiatric facility schools. One hundred residential psychiatric facility in-house schools in thirty-eight states received a survey concerning the school's demographics and opinions on educational testing and assessment. Based upon the information received by the 41% of returned surveys, the answers to the research questions are as follows:

  1. Authentic assessment is being used by 54% of the responding residential psychiatric facility schools.
  2. Based upon the opinions expressed by the survey responses, less than twenty-five percent of those responding perceive student opportunities being prohibited by standardized tests as the students transition into a public school.
  3. According to the responses gathered by this survey, educators are interested in authentic assessment. Yet, educators express concerns about authentic assessment and their lack of knowledge and understanding of its application.
This survey proved both hypotheses to be not true. Those responding to the survey do not display a majority being anti-standardized test. Also, the survey demonstrated a lack of understanding and preference of authentic assessment in residential psychiatric facilities by the educational directors and/or principals. Future studies and collaborative efforts between interested schools and educators is recommended for the benefit of schools and the students whom they serve.

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