Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Human Resource Development

Major Professor

Gregory Petty

Committee Members

Jacky DeJonge, Roger Haskell


The purposes of this study were twofold. Part one of the study examined the demographics that could be identified as characteristics of a "typical" volunteer. Part two examined the motivations for volunteer participation and continued service as Girl Scout•volunteers. The implications of the findings of this study are somewhat limited due to the low response rate of the sample. However, several salient point can be made. Part one of this research study found certain demographic characteristic that represented the "typical" volunteer for Tanasi Girl Scout Council. The typical volunteer was employed outside the home (68.70%). This study revealed slightly more volunteers were employed full time over part time (52.70%, 47.20%). This study also revealed the typical Girl Scout volunteer as a female (93.40%), 42 years of age (M = 41.91, SD = 6.99), 85.70% were married with 56.10% having an-average annual family income greater than $50,000. The typical Tanasi Girl Scout Council volunteer has a college education with the study reporting them as having a college (37.20%) or advanced degree (20.90%) . Race was reported as 92% Caucasian/white, 1% African American, 1% Hispanic and 5% other. This study revealed that the typical adult volunteer participated in Girl Scouts as a youth (66%). Part two of this research study found three areas for motivation and three areas for continued service. Areas that promote motivation were need, program, and influence. Similarly, areas for continued service were need, benefits and influence. This study found that no significant difference existed between motivational factors and the time spent volunteering or annual family income level. This study also found that no significant difference existed between continuing service factors and the time spent volunteering or annual family income level.

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