Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Specialist in Education



Major Professor

R. Lewis Hodge

Committee Members

William H. Hellins, P. Davis-Wiley


This study was conducted to identify and catalogue cultural resources of Spanish-speaking origin in Tennessee. The compilation of cultural resources is designed as a directory. This directory is intended to provide foreign language educators with a helpful and convenient reference guide containing information on the availability of resources that can help them enrich classroom instruction. It is meant to be useful as well to all persons who are concerned with the study or advancement of foreign languages and cultures. This directory is divided into five parts; review of the related literature, methods, cultural resources, suggested activities, and summary. The data for this directory were collected by reviewing the related literature, visiting libraries, searching the Internet; employing telephone directories, interviewing community members, visiting educational institutions and private and government offices, and attending conferences and special events. The resulting resources are organized under headings and subheadings in alphabetical order. The activities section cross-references each activity to a resource in the directory. This study revealed numerous cultural resources of Spanish-speaking origin in Tennessee that offer the potential for innovation in teaching Spanish.

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