Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Mechanical Engineering

Major Professor

William R. Hamel

Committee Members

Gary V. Smith, Reid L. Kress


Summarizing the past history of robotics, we find on one hand, the unsuccessful search to give autonomy to robots, and on the other hand, the people who need this autonomy for their applications but are obligated to let man into the control loop while they wait for the successful outcome. The goal of the telerobotics is not only to construct the human - robot systems, but also to find the right balance of their cooperation. The hybrid system theory is one of the methods in modeling and optimization of the telerobotic systems. This thesis describes and analyzes a hybrid telerobotic system, constructs the hybrid system controller using the finite-state automata, and implements the theoretical findings into commercial program as part of the real-time application.

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