Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Nuclear Engineering

Major Professor

Ronald Pevey


Pyxis is a software program designed to create an improved computational working environment for performing linked engineering calculations. Pyxis, programmed in Java, creates a platform-independent environment for managing the elements of engineering analyses, with characteristic icons representing items such as applications, data files, control structures and directories in a visual foldering system. The engineering analyst can visually arrange these elements in a familiar point-and-click windows environment to create a complete computational analysis. In addition to providing functional and visual linkage for elements of linked analyses, the product assists in peer review, tool sharing and archiving analyses. While the product may be useful in many fields, the product's design gives special consideration to the needs of nuclear engineers. The intent is to improve the quality of the analyst's working environment in order to improve the quality of the analyst's work.

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