Masters Theses


Amy M. Webb

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


College Student Personnel

Major Professor

E. Grady Bogue

Committee Members

Robert Kronick, Terri Mangione


Service-learning is an innovative strategy for collaboration between academic affairs and student affairs. While several studies have documented the success of service-learning, few have discussed the development and first year integration of service-learning. The purpose of this study was to document the ways in which one public institution made the initial transition from co-curricular to curricular service. Using case study methodology, data was collected through the review of documents, interviews, and observations. The documents included the ASU general bulletin, faculty and student newspaper articles, the service-leaming resource guide for faculty, the service opportunities directory, faculty syllabi, and other brochures, forms, surveys, and evaluations utilized by the service-leaming office. The following fourteen people were interviewed: four faculty members, five students, three administrators, and two staff members. Observations were recorded at the first service-leaming workshop at ASU, at a statewide service-leaming conference, and during each visit to campus. Qualitative and quantitative analysis was conducted on the data. The interview tapes were transcribed verbatim and coded by hand. Cross tabulation and chi-square analysis was used on the service-leaming course evaluations, which were completed by faculty and students at the end of each semester. The findings include the strategies, implementation, and evaluation of the service-leaming program at ASU. There are also recommendations for the development of a service-leaming program from a volunteer center.

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