Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Specialist in Education



Major Professor

Sherry M. Bell

Committee Members

Kathleen Puckett, W. Jean Schindler


Action research projects are completed in conjunction with the internship year associated with the pre-service teaching interns. The action research project abstracts are published in the Capstone Conference handbook each year. These abstracts have been categorized from the years 1997 through 2001, within the fields of Grade level, Population, Educational Placement, Research Design, Content Area, and Theme/Intervention. Three raters utilized a database created in Microsoft Access to categorize data extrapolated from the Capstone Conference Handbook. Interrater reliability was established at 90% reliability. The results were clearly identified. The prominent themes identified were Instructional Format, Other, Behavior/Classroom Management, Attitudes, and Academic Achievement. The prominent themes were then utilized as identifiers in an ERIC search to determine the representativeness in the broader professional literature. The similarity of representation between the categorized data and the professional literature was minimal. The results of this study can be utilized by pre-service interning teachers as well as university mentors to shape future action research projects.

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