Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aviation Systems

Major Professor

Fred Stellar

Committee Members

Ralph D. Kimberlin, U. Peter Solies


The MV-22 "Osprey" tiltrotor aircraft is a radically new air vehicle designed to replace aging helicopters and support the US Marine Corp's future concept of operational maneuver from the sea. Unfortunately the aircraft has been plagued with political and programmatic delays throughout its 19-year history that prevented early and comprehensive at-sea testing. With an operational evaluation in October 1999, shortened at-sea test period was required late in the aircraft development in January 1999.This thesis analyzes the compressed developmental test process used to prepare this novelair vehicle for sea service in a short time period.The dynamic interface testing of Naval aircraft and ships is not new, although the advent of tiltrotors incorporating digital fly-by-wire technology has challenged traditional developmental procedures. The MV-22 required extensive test planning, flying qualities evaluations and engineering tests to define safe operational limits in the shipboard environment. An analysis of a lateral control instability problem encountered during the testing and the subsequent test process innovations for this unique aircraft substantiate the need to conduct comprehensive and extensive developmental testing.It is the author's opinion that at-sea testing is risky and the final exam for a Naval Aircraft. The risks of a shortened test process were that deficiencies would be uncovered and that uncharted capabilities would not be exploited for operational employment. The Documented successes and failures of the MV-22 at-sea test process yield lessons that should be put into practice by future amphibious Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL)aircraft such as the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) and other follow-on VSTOL aircraft.

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