Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Planning



Major Professor

George E. Bowen

Committee Members

James A. Spencer, Teresa R. Shupp


The purpose of this thesis is to identify what, if anything, Tazewell Pike can do to prevent the destruction of qualities that give it a sense of place in a defined area. The neighborhood known as Tazewell Pike has a diverse architectural style consisting of many historic properties. Current trends of development along Tazewell Pike have enabled developers to acquire large tracks of land and divide them into subdivisions for single family dwellings. This is destroying the qualities of the neighborhood, which is known for its collection of historic buildings and scenic qualities. This study will look to identify several qualities affecting Tazewell Pike. These qualities are:

  1. To identify the Cultural, Architectural, and environmental aspects of place as well as scenic views and vistas, setting context, landscape features, and image that make Tazewell Pike a special place.
  2. To identify the current trends of development along Tazewell Pike, and
  3. To find out how other places with similar qualities and trends as those facing Tazewell Pike have been successful in conserving their desirable qualities.

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