Masters Theses


John M. Olson

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aviation Systems

Major Professor

Ralph D. Kimberlin

Committee Members

Fred Stellar, Alfonso Pujol Jr.


Advanced composites and advanced aerospace materials (AC/AAMs) provide important design, performance, and functionality benefits over other materials options for a variety of ever-increasing applications. In their cured or final design state, these materials are generally considered safe, inert, and biologically benign. However, when damaged by fire, explosion, or high-energy impact, these materials can present unique hazards and concerns. In order to mitigate the potential environmental, safety, and health risks and hazards associated with these events, timely and appropriate mishap response procedures are crucial. Unfortunately, due to the diversity of materials, the complexity of mishap dynamics, and the wide range of response elements involved, current and synergistic mishap response guidance is limited. This is particularly true for mishaps that occur within a controlled or confined space environment. This thesis consolidates the current research and operational experience in this area in order to develop a coordinated, factual, and multidisciplinary source of information and operational guidance for responding to mishaps involving these materials.

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