Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Aviation Systems

Major Professor

Frank Collins

Committee Members

Uwe Solies, Fredrick Stellar


The Multi-Functional Information Distribution System (MIDS) provides improved information distribution, position location, and identification capability for the forces of the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, United Kingdom, France, and the North Atlantic treaty Organization (NATO). The system is currently implemented through the use of a variety of terminals and tailored interface configurations designed to meet the needs of specific users. This paper describes the MIDS Fighter Data Link as it is implemented in the F-15 fighter aircraft. It describes system architecture, F-15 aircraft integration, and system testing. The paper explains the effectiveness of the system by presenting the information management challenge involved in accomplishing the F-15's mission of gaining and maintaining air superiority, and outlining the awesome capability of the Fighter Data Link to meet this challenge. Finally, the paper proposes an application of the MIDS Fighter Data Link System to the challenges of commercial aircraft separation and control in a congested environment. The paper is written from the author's perspective as a user and tester of the Fighter Data Link System. The author was first introduced to the system in 1994 when he performed an assessment of the system's utility as an operational F-15C fighter pilot participating in a special project at Mountain Home Air Force Base. Since that time, the author completed test pilot training and is currently involved in both developmental and operational test of the production version of the system. Recent testing has included both ground and flight test of system integration, as well as assessment of technical performance and operational effectiveness.

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