Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Robert W. Lide


The purpose of this experiment was to study the 11B(3He, p)13C and the 11B(3He, 3He) 11B reactions. The proton angular distributions were analyzed in terms of the plane wave stripping theory of Newns and the optical model was used to fit the elastic scattering data. All the experimental measurements were made with the 5.5 Mev Van de Graaff at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The reaction products were observed with silicon surface barrier detectors. A particle identification system, which identifies the type and energy of the incident particle, was used to facilitate the interpretation of the pulse-height spectra. Proton angular distributions, corresponding to the ground and first excited states of 13C for an incident 3He energy of 12 Mev and for the ground, first, second, sixth, eighth, ninth, and thirteenth excited states of 13C for an incident 3He energy of 10 Mev, were obtained. Spin and parity assignments were made for the eighth and thirteenth excited states of 13C for which no values have been reported. The spin and parity assignments for the other groups were consistent with those reported from other experiments. The elastic scattering of 3He particles was analyzed at 8, 10, and 12 Mev. The experimental results were satisfactorily interpreted in terms of the optical model.

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