Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Planning



Major Professor

George Bowen

Committee Members

David Pattersom, James Spencer


This study is an assessment of Anzona's Growing Smarter Act and Tennessee's Comprehensive Growth Plan to determine their effectiveness as growth management statutes. It also compares the two laws with each other. The research consists of a literature review to define growth management, then comparison of the statutes with defined growth management elements. The document breaks down the laws into components to conduct the comparisons. The thesis shows that the Growing Smarter Act is not an effective growth management legislation, while the Comprehensive Growth Plan contains many growth management principles. Both statutes have the potential to control urban sprawl. The Arizona legislature will have to expand what has been adopted to develop growth management principles, while the Tennessee legislature can achieve successful growth management with fine tuning of the current legislation.

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