Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Civil Engineering

Major Professor

Edwin G. Burdette.

Committee Members

J. Harold Deatherage


In October of 1995, the Tennessee Department of Transportation approved the replacement of the bridge on S.R. 136 over Caney Fork River. The original bridge consists of 8 concrete deck girder spans at 41’-0", 43'-0",43'-0",45'-0", 220'-6",220'-4",39'-2",and 35'-3" for a total of 687'-3". Spans 5 and 6 consist of riveted steel trusses and the piers are made of reinforced concrete. The replacement bridge is continuous and stretches over 6 equal spans for a total length of 721’-6". The superstructure consists of an 8.25" concrete slab and 72" prestressed bulb-t beams. All piers are reinforced concrete. This thesis has two primary objectives: (1) to explain why the existing bridge has been replaced, and (2) to explain the reasons for the choice of abutment types. This thesis explains several issues involving several state departments that reflected the decision to replace the existing bridge. The choices of an integral abutment at Abutment No. 2 and expansion devise at Abutment No. 1 are explained, and the differences in design philosophy between these two types of abutment are discussed. This study concludes that replacement of the bridge is necessary and that the choice of abutment types is justified.

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