Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Herbert H. Howard

Committee Members

Mark Miller, Kit Rushing


A window has opened for boys’ schools. Over the past couple of generations. these schools have had been regarded as anachronistic and misogynistic. That viewpoint has now begun to change. The newest research into how boys learn, as well as public and academic attention to how America is raising its boys, has begun to renew interest in the concept of all-boys’ secondary education. Therefore, over the next five to ten years, advocates of boys’ schools will have a window of opportunity to present their message to opinion shapers as well as the general public. To do so, they must develop communication strategies. This paper looks at the issues facing boys’ schools and the unique communications challenges that exist. It examines the latest academic research into single-sex education and boys’ issues as well as public media reporting on those topics. Based on those reports, the paper recommends communications strategies that could be used by boys’ school advocates to more effectively deliver their message.

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