Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Child and Family Studies

Major Professor

Vey M. Nordquist

Committee Members

Ernest W. Brewer, Laurence Coleman


This study investigated the free time use of gifted juniors and seniors at a two-year residential public high school. This study was descriptive in nature and designed to explain life in this environment. The purpose of the study was to learn how students spent their free time and whether or not gender and grade affected activity preference. The sample included 181 students at the Greenhouse Institute. Eighty-two boys and 99 girls participated. Each of the participants completed a self-report survey about their use of free time. The students completed items that related to five different activity areas "How Often", "Before Dinner", "Weekends", "Schedule", and "Where in Town ". Survey responses were analyzed using frequencies and chi-square statistics. The results indicated that students spent much of their free time with friends and listening to music. The results also showed that free time preferences were affected by grade and gender. Taken together, many of the results were comparable to the activity preferences of students in non-residential public high schools but also included activities that were unique to a residential environment.

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