Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Jesse Poore

Committee Members

Stacy Prowell, Thomas Potok


This thesis is a case study of the system redesign, testing, and project management of an Internet application for a medical device manufacturer. The original software is a two-tier application written with Visual Basic using an Informix standard engine database for data storage. The proposed redesign is a three-tier web application using an Internet browser for the interface written with HTML and Active Server Pages, VB COM for business logic, and Informix Dynamic Server for data operations.

Part I of this research describes the design of the three tiers, the development of the testing model, and the description of the life of the project from inception to postponement Part II is a summary of the national picture of software engineering projects. Two specific issues are identified and discussed as causes for project termination and postponement changing circumstances and project management. The case study concludes by reviewing some best practices in project management and by describing the lessons learned during this case study.

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