Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Civil Engineering

Major Professor

Matthew Mauldon

Committee Members

Eric Drumm, Bruce Ralston


The GIS application was for the management of landslides located along Tennessee roads. Two main goals of this application are (1) development of a statewide GIS landslide database accessible to Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) planners, engineers and geologists, and (2) production and visualization of landslide thematic maps accessible via the Internet. The GIS landslide application automates integration of location information with attribute data such as landslide type, age, scale, impact or bedrock geology. Landslide locations were collected using GPS technology and are represented in the GIS as point events on a linear referencing network model 30-meter digital elevation models were used as topographic layers. Landslide attribute data, which include information on both the geotechnical characteristics and the administration of landslide projects, were obtained from TDOT in the form of Status Reports and archived files. The majority of the work for this project was related to the conversion of paper records into a standardized digital database.

The GIS landslide inventory project includes automated procedures for the production of landslide thematic maps at any scale. The landslide spatial model integrates linearly referenced locations of landslides with attribute data Landslide thematic maps may be produced using customized query engines. These maps may also be generated using an HTML or Java based graphical user interface, allowing the map-based information to be remotely distributed using a client/server model via the Internet. The administration application is developed in a Windows environment using ArcView 3 2 (ESRI) and Visual Basic 6 0 (Microsoft). The web-based application was developed using ArcIMS 3 0 (ESRI) on a Windows NT 4 0 SP6 Server (Microsoft).

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