Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

James M. Rochelle

Committee Members

Michael L. Simpson, T. Vaughn Blalock


This thesis presents the analysis and design of a low-noise microluminometer for a hybrid electronic/biological chemical sensor known as a Bioluminescent Bioreporter Integrated Circuit (BBIC). The microluminometer consists of photodetection and signal processing Both functions are integrated in a standard bulk CMOS process (HP 0.5 urn CMOS).

The photodetection is first described in terms of physical operation. The implementation of photodetectors in a CMOS integrated circuit process is then presented. The signal processing system is analyzed, and the errors introduced by individual system components are described. A detailed system-level noise analysis is also presented The design of a low-noise amplifier is the focus of this thesis. The amplifier design is described in detail. Finally, the results from testing of the fabricated prototype are presented.

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