Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Industrial Engineering

Major Professor

John C. Hungerford

Committee Members

Tyler A. Kress, Wayne Claycombe


This thesis investigates the role of PhotoModeler, a photogrammetry technique, in traffic accident reconstruction. More specifically, important elements to the reconstructionist such as vehicle crush and accident scene details are measured with PhotoModeler. The extracted measurements are utilized further to establish pre-impact speeds and vehicle placement in terms of the centerline.

To verify that PhotoModeler is a suitable measurement technique, its results are compared against NTSHA controlled crash data and a pre-measured accident scene.

The data are convincing. NTSHA's crash tests are performed at 35 mph and this study's results came up with 36.88 mph, which is quite good. In the accident scene diagram, the average measurement deviation was 1.480 inches, which is also a good result.

PhotoModeler is accurate as well as convenient for generating measurements when applied to traffic accident reconstruction situations.

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