Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Cecilia Zanetta

Committee Members

James A. Spencer, Terry Shupp


This thesis presents an overview of Public Chapter 1101, which is the growth boundary law for the State of Tennessee. Furthermore, as a case Anderson County, Tennessee how well objectives and mandates of the law were carried out.

A discussion of sprawl and growth management presented with an accompanying literature review. There is also a discussion of the history and the objectives and mandates of Public Chapter 1101.

The main part of the thesis discusses Anderson County and the municipalities of Clinton, Lake City, Norris Oak Ridge, and Oliver Springs in terms of the process each was involved in the implementation of the legislation. The county and each city was observed in relation to annexation history, growth scenarios, the coordinating committee, technical aspects of the planners, individual strategies, the bargaining process, public input, and the final product.

Finally, the thesis concludes with a final assessment and recommendations for Public in Chapter 1101. The legislation is looked at in terms of achievement objectives, major factors affecting the process, assessment of the outcome, key lessons learned, and policy implications.

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