Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Teresa A. Hutchens

Committee Members

DeborahP. Welsh, William A. Poppen


Millions of US tax dollars are spent annually to fund abstinence only sexual education programs. These programs must adhere to strict federal guidelines to qualify for this funding. As part of some abstinence until marriage programs, adolescents may be requested to make a public pledge of sexual abstinence. This study exams the intra-individual characteristics and social contexts of adolescents who make public pledges of sexual abstinence and keep their pledge ("pledge keeper") and those who break them ("pledge breakers"). To examine the influence of the pledge the intra-individual and social contexts of "pledge keepers" were contrasted with non-pledging virgin cohorts and "pledge breakers" were compared with non-pledging non-virgin adolescents. It was found that adolescent "pledge keepers:" expressed higher levels of religiosity; were younger; were less likely to be involved in a romantic relationship,were more closely monitored by their parents; had more communication with their parents; had fewer friends who participated in risk behaviors; and lived in more suburban middle class communities when they were compared -to "pledge breakers." "Pledge keepers” and non-pledging virgins were found similar in most aspects except that “pledge keepers” were significantly more religious. "Pledge breakers" and non-pledging non-virgins were found quite similar.

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