Masters Theses


Karen J. Head

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Ilona Leki

Committee Members

Allison Ensor, Marilyn Kallet


This study is an investigation of new writing center tutors' reservations about working with non-native-English-speakers. Specifically, what causes tutors to feel comfortable or uncomfortable in working with non-native-English-speakers and what can be done to increase tutor self-confidence and comfort for working with non-native-English-speakers? Overall, the research explores strategies for increasing new-tutor confidence and comfort for working with NNESS.

This was a qualitative research study using the concepts analytic induction to guide the research process. Data was collected through two surveys and a pair of intensive interviews.

This study maintains that the needs of the tutors must be addressed equally with those of the tutees. It further maintains that if tutors are made to feel comfortable they will be more confident and more effective in helping non-native-English-speakers. Information regarding the problems associated with tutors working with non-native-English-speakers is presented along with suggestions for alleviating such problems.

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