Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

James M. Rochelle

Committee Members

T. Vaughn Blalock


Four different designs for a wideband, open-loop amplifier for potential use in a microcantilever sensor platform were designed, fabricated and evaluated in two different processes, the AMI0.8 um and AMI 1.2 um 5 V CMOS processes. Bench performance testing of the amplifiers was performed and compared to simulation results. The measured amplifiers' gains ranged from approximately 5 to 11 V/V and the bandwidths ranged from approximately 75 MHz to 195 MHz. Power consumption was below 15 mW for all designs. Differences between experimental and simulated results were investigated and the best performing amplifier design was recommended. In conjunction with designing the amplifiers, a review of the two different fabrication processes was performed,primarily through DC characterization of test transistors and comparison with HSpice simulation results

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