Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Human Resource Development

Major Professor

Ernest W. Brewer

Committee Members

Greg Petty, Alan Chesney


The purpose of this study was to assess the levels of job satisfaction and burnout in different categories of clerical employees at an institution of higher education and to identify the impact of marital status and total remuneration of female clerical employees. Employees included were slotted into one of four groups based on demographic factors. These demographic factors included socioeconomic status and benefits used by the employees. The study was designed to give insight as to why current employees continue their employment with an organization. Using various statistical methods such as multivariate analyses, this study looked for any significant relationships between burnout, job satisfaction, and demographic variables. It was believed the results could have further implications for improving recruitment and retention of clerical employees by determining important aspects of clerical employees' positions and by determining which areas may need improvement or attention by the administration

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