Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Joel F. Lubar

Committee Members

Anne McIntyre, Eric D. Sundstrom


Based on these reports, we expected to find: 1) a frontal increase in 4-8 Hz amplitude during reading tasks as compared with a resting baseline, as affected by working memory mechanisms; 2) a bilateral decrease of 8-10 Hz (as compared with baseline) as affected by arousal and attentional processes; 3) a unilateral decrease of 8-12 Hz in the left hemisphere due to cognitive effort, as affected by the symbolic and analytic decoding nature of reading to which this latter band would selectively react; and 4)an increase of the 38-42 Hz activity, as affected by scanning and problem solving functions of reading. No prediction was made for the 0.5-4 Hz,12-21 Hz, and 21-32 Hz bands.

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