Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Agricultural Economics
Major Professor
C. E. Allred
Committee Members
Frank B. Ward, Charles P. White
Effective July 1, 1931, Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Tennessee joined with a number of neighboring state institutions and several Federal agencies in a cooperative study of the economic, social and civic problems of the Southern Appalachians. In this state the project was divided into four main divisions, and a graduate student put to work on each of them.
A. A Physical and Biological Inventory
B. An Economic Inventory
C. A Sociological Inventory
D. A Civic or Governmental Inventory
Each of those divisions of the project is designed, when completed, to supplement the others. Theses on various phases of these divisions were presented at the August 1932 Commencement.
Recommended Citation
Anderson, J. L., "Inventory of the facilities for communication, storage, and distribution in Tennessee. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1933.