Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Economics

Major Professor

C. E. Allred

Committee Members

S. W. Atkins


The purpose of the study made in this manuscript is to assemble and to present in a readily available form the factors that influence the choice of areas where each specific farm commodity of importance is produced or may be produced. An investigator wishing to find out what forces may or may not be favorable to the production of corn may turn to the discussion of corn and find the material already assembled. If he wishes to make a more exhaustive study of a particular factor, the bibliography will aid him in finding the published works in which he might be interested. Without such an aid he would have to examine a great number of publications. It also would be necessary for him to glean the desired material from voluminous discussions of equally interesting and valuable but unrelated topics.

An exhaustive examination and presentation of the factors influencing the production areas of a given farm commodity would require sufficient time and space to be a complete thesis within itself. The desire to thoroughly cover as many of the important commodities as possible in one volume made it necessary to merely mention many of the factors without attempting to completely analyze them. Specialized discussions are already available. The purpose of this study, as previously mentioned, is to assemble the factors of as many commodities as time and space permit.

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