"The dairy industry in Tennessee" by Paul Marvin Reaves

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Extension

Major Professor

C. E. Wylie

Committee Members

T. B. Harrison


In Tennessee the conditions have not been different from that in the other parts of the United States. The methods of handling cattle and dairy products have gone through a wide range of changes up to the present day. Our dairy industry is demanding more and more labor, both on the farm and in the plants that handle and manufacture dairy products. The numbers of cattle needed, as well as the quality, is increasing continually, and the consumption of dairy products is also keeping pace with the strides of progress.

The object of this report is to give a brief history of the dairy industry in Tennessee, including the present status in dairy development, and some reasons for the changes which are taking place.

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