"A preliminary study of the economics of the strawberry industry in Ten" by William Curtis Stone

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Extension

Major Professor

C. E. Allred


The importance of the industry and some of its more important needs have been indicated in the foregoing paragraphs. The principal objects of this study are as follows:

(1) To determine the present status and methods of operation of strawberry cooperative marketing associations.

(2) To study the associations from a historical standpoint largely to determine causes for their successes and failures.

(3) To determine methods and cost of marketing through both independent dealers and cooperative associations.

(4) To determine the factors affecting the prices of Tennessee strawberries, which have been relatively low as indicated previously.

(5) In general to determine, insofar as is possible in the limited time, in what ways the producers can be helped in the economics of both production and marketing of this crop.

It is not the object of this report to solve nor attempt investigation of all of the problems relative to this industry in Tennessee. The investigations have thus far been somewhat preliminary in nature, in most cases, in comparison with more detailed investigations which should later be made in connection with a study of this kind. An attempt has been made to pave the way for later investigations of a more detailed nature, and to point out some of the more important problems yet in need of investigation.

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