"Creamery management" by Ellis Otte Wurzbach

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Animal Husbandry

Major Professor

C. E. Wylie

Committee Members

Paul W. Allen, S. A. Hinton


Together with the essentials of a good manager, this thesis deals with the purchasing of raw material, supplies and equipment. While no definite rules can be set up, important points associated with correct buying are pointed out. The organization of a working force, problems of storage, (including refrigeration), bookkeeping, and marketing of the dairy products, are included. No attempt was made to explain creamery financing, as it applies to conditions of individual creameries. More emphasis was put on problems that affect all creameries. The method of handling, and the processing of each product manufactured by the University of Tennessee Creamery are explained. Several commercial plants were visited to make a comparison of the different methods of handling the products during manufacturing and differences in management. The quality of butter as compared to the quality of cream, and the commercial manufacture of Lactobacillus Acidophilus milk were selected as special research problems, and are Included under original Investigation.

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