"Development of Agriculture in Tennessee to 1870; economic and social a" by Paul Eugene Strickler

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Economics

Major Professor

C. E. Allred

Committee Members

A. G. Burg


The primary purpose of this work is to give an economic history of the early agriculture in Tennessee. Little work has been done on the historical treatment of agriculture and the need for more work of this kind is beginning to be felt. A few writers have treated the subject from a broad national or international viewpoint, but few attempts have been made to keep a record of the agricultural development in the different states.

An attempt has been made to show the growth of agriculture from the primitive practices of the Indians to the more advanced agriculture at the close of the Civil War, with the hope that this work will be of assistance to future students of agriculture, by giving the background and foundation on which the agriculture of this state is built. The advancement made by Tennessee in this early period deserves much comment.

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