Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Animal Husbandry
Major Professor
Sam L. Hansard
Committee Members
Homer Patrick, Marshall C. Hervey
Earlier studies have Indicated that the feeding of thyroprotein has a profound effect on all animals. However, relatively few workers have used the sheep in their experimental investigations. This experiment was initiated (1) To evaluate the effects of adding thyroprotein to the ration of lactating ewes upon the dally and total gains and the market grade of lambs; (2) To determine the effects of thyroprotein on ewe weight, pulse rate, respiration, temperature, and feed consumption when maintained on pasture and in dry lot; and (3) To determine the relative cost of producing spring lambs in dry lot and on temporary pasture under Tennessee conditions.
Recommended Citation
Stringer, Grover William, "Feeding thyroprotein to lactating ewes for early lamb production. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1948.