"Practices affecting the marketable yield and quality of tomatoes in We" by William Edwin Goble

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Economics

Major Professor

Erven J. Long

Committee Members

John L. Fischer, R. G. Deupree


In view of these extremely heavy losses it is of paramount importance to the tomato producers of West Tennessee that an analysis be made of the practices affecting the marketable yields and quality of tomatoes. Consequently, this study has the following specific objectives:

(1) To determine whether tomato producers are following recommended production and marketing practices that affect marketable yields and quality,

(2) To determine the effect of specified production and marketing practices on the quantity of marketable tomatoes produced.

(3) To determine the extent of losses of the 1949 tomato crop.

(4) To determine the attitudes and preferences of producers and packer-buyers on varieties, enactment of a state tomato maturity law, pricing plans and packages, and also to obtain their suggestions on improvements of tomato marketing.

(5) To determine the functions and facilities of packer-buyers affecting market quality.

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