Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural and Extension Education

Major Professor

George W. Weigers Jr.

Committee Members

M. C. Bell, Henry Andrews


The purpose of this study was to make a follow-up study of former students of Vocational Agriculture in Maury County, Tennessee. The objectives were: (1) to determine the present occupations of students of Vocational Agriculture graduating during the period 1949-1959; (2) to determine the interim occupations and status of these former students; (3) to determine tenure status of those who were engaged in farming; (4).to determine the reasons for the graduates not entering the farming occupation; (5) to determine the influence of Vocational Agriculture on choice of occupation; (6) to determine which phases of Vocational Agriculture were most beneficial to the former students; and (7) to determine the changes which seem desirable in the Maury County Vocational Agriculture program.

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