"Digestibility of orchard grass and alfalfa hays with and without conce" by Charles Edward Darnell

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Animal Husbandry

Major Professor

Charles S. Hobbs

Committee Members

C. C. Chamberlain, O. G. Hall


The present study has been undertaken (1) to compare the performance of steers fed alfalfa and orchard grass hays, (2) to determine the influence of an enzyme mixture, Agrozyme, upon the performance by steers fed these hays, (3) to compare the digestibilities ef alfalfa and orchard grass hays when fed alone and when fed with seventy-five per cent concentrates, and (4) to determine the effect of an enzyme mixture—Agroxyme—on the digestibility of orchard grass hay.

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