Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Animal Husbandry

Major Professor

H.V. Shirley Jr

Committee Members

O.E. Goff


Experiments were conducted for the purpose of evaluating some of the variables frequently associated with the practice of debeaking chicks. Factors studied were: (1) The quantity of beak removed. (2) The temperature of the cutting blade. (3) The length of the exposure time of the chick's beak to the cutting blade. (4) The effect of floor space per chick on the incidence of cannibalism. (5) The effect of feeder space per chick on the incidence of cannibalism. (6) Social position of debeaked and non-debeaked chicks. Criteria used to measure these factors included: mortality, growth rate, feed consumption, feather coverage, social organi-zation and regrowth of the beak.

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