Masters Theses


T. Seenappa

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Animal Husbandry

Major Professor

George M. Merriman

Committee Members

H.J. Smith, J.D. Smalling


Experimental techniques involving surgery, hematology, and related procedures have been essential in the development of our knowledge in animal physiology. These techniques have been catalogued for basic physiology and are presented in many laboratory manuals. Techniques in applied physiology of the large domestic animals have also, in most cases, been intensively studied. However, these tech-niques, their usefulness and their limitations are reported sporadically in diverse sources. It is often difficult and time consuming for an investigator to assemble all pertinent information on a given technique in physiological research. The present work, therefore, was designed and completed to accomplish the following goals; (1) catalogue and collect information on the availability, usefulness, and limitations of experimental tech-niques useful in research and teaching concerned with large-animal physiology, (2) describe in detail techniques which have been adapted for use at this experimental station. These goals have been accomplished by literature review, by appli-cation of specific techniques, and by presentation of a selected case history.

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