Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Biosystems Engineering

Major Professor

Denver O. Baxter

Committee Members

John J. McDow, Erwin K. Boyce


The need for reducing production costs in the broiler industry demanded higher production efficiency. This in turn created a need for more research on factors which affected production. Information on temperature conditions were especially needed. With a better understanding of the temperature relationships, the grower could have greater control over the temperatures inside the house. Likewise, the engineer would have better information on which to base designs for producing the desired temperature conditions. At the time of this investigation, there were no known average hourly temperature patterns for window less, solar, and conventional houses at the same location. This study provided such data for design and management purposes, was hoped that the information reported herein might be of significant value to the broiler industry, particularly the research worker, the engineer, and the grower.

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