Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Food Science and Technology

Major Professor

Melvin R. Johnston

Committee Members

Ivon E. McCarty, David L. Coffey


Southern peas, harvested in the Immature stage (as green seeds) for freezing, continue the maturation process during in-transit and plant pre-process holding. Heat generated by the continued respiration of the peas in bulk transport and holding cause high temperatures in the pea mass, especially near the surface or oxygen source. The high temperatures created aid in the maturation process and contribute to the lower quality grades sometimes found in the processed product.

This study was initiated to determine if hydrocooling and ice cooling or a combination of the two would aid in delaying the maturation of Southern peas without adversely affecting the chemical composition and color of the peas.

Southern peas cooled by icing, hydrocooling (60°F water), and hydrocooling plus ice, were stored in fiberboard barrels for 20 hours. Temperature recordings and samples of the peas were taken at 0, 4, 12, and 20 hours from the top, middle, and bottom sections of the barrels.

Untreated peas in a similar barrel were used as the control. Effect of treatment, time and position was measured by analyses for total protein, water-soluble protein, ash, glucose, pH, and titratable acidity. Color evaluation was made using the Color Eye Instrument.

The data indicated that: hydrocooling increased percentage of ash and caused losses in water-soluble protein, as well as germination with time. Icing the hydrocooled peas conserved protein and glucose. Icing caused losses of total protein, but less loss of water-soluble protein.

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