Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

K.F. Schell

Committee Members

Charles L. Cleland, J.W. Barrett


The purpose of this study was to examine the level of forest management as related to the characteristics of the owners being practiced on private commercial forests in the 125 counties in the Tennessee Valley area. The data were obtained from 326 sampling units on private landownerships which were selected by means of a 12-mile grid over the 125 Tennessee Valley counties. Emphasis was placed on attitudes, interests, knowledge, capabilities of landowners, present management of forests, and receptivity to suggested changes in management.

It was found that the level of forest management increases as education, size of ownership, and length of tenure increase. The level of forest management decreases as owner's age increases. Owners with a professional occupation and the forest products industries were the best managers.

In conclusion, the demand for timber by the year 2000 will require raising the level of forest management in the Tennessee Valley. Several recommendations for improving the level of forest management by public forestry agencies as the result of the owners' characteristics and attitudes data are offered.

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